Hours of Operation:
Sundays, Noon to 12:30 pm
We accept cash, checks and major credit cards.

Our Center’s book room carries a large inventory of Self-Realization Fellowship publications, including books, CDs, DVDs, posters, photographs, calendars, Self-Realization Magazine, incense and other SRF items. Books include all the writings of Paramahansa Yogananda, including his best-selling “Autobiography of a Yogi,” as well as his revelatory commentary on the original teachings of Jesus – “The Second Coming of Christ,” his translation and commentary on the Bhagavad Gita – “God Talks with Arjuna,” his poetry, chants, talks and how-to-live wisdom, as well as books by his direct monastic disciples. CDs include the recorded voice of Paramahansa Yogananda. Other CDs and DVDs include talks by his direct monastic disciples.
The small profit our Center earns on the sale of these items helps provide financial support toward the operation and maintenance of the building.
New Arrivals/Additions
Title | Author | Price |