Center Tour Donations
Click on the yellow “Donate” button above > click the down arrow (v) > select “Center Tour/Monks Visit” > select amount > click payment option and complete as instructed.
General Fund
Donations to our General Fund support the Center’s general operating and maintenance expenses. Donations may be made using the Donate Button above or through cash or check (payable to Washington DC Center) and placed in the Sunday offertory or mailed to Washington DC Center, 4911 Niagara Rd. College Park, MD 20740. The same information can be used to schedule recurring weekly or monthly donations to the general fund through your online checking account. General Fund donations are not tax deductible.
Building Fund
Building Fund donations are used for:
- Either the renovation of the existing Washington DC Center Building or to purchase and renovate another building if the group decides to move to another location approved by SRF Mother Center;
- Maintenance and upkeep projects for the Washington DC Building, Parking lot and grounds, Equipment and furniture purchases; Future renovation projects; Financing a future building purchase;
- Any and all other large expenses associated with the Washington DC Center Building and future meeting facilities for the Washington DC Center, which are not typically funded through our operating budget; and, Fundraising expenses for the Building Fund.
There are four ways to donate to our Building Fund:
- Donate online using the Donate Button above and select Building Fund. The funds will be kept in our local building fund account and we will be able to use them immediately for the building renovation project, but this will not be a tax deductible contribution.
- Make a check payable to “Washington DC Center” and note “DC Center Building Fund” on the check, then the funds will be kept in our local building fund account and we will be able to use them immediately for the building renovation project, but this will not be a tax deductible contribution.* The same information can be used to schedule recurring weekly or monthly donations to the building fund through your online checking account (note in the memo section “DC Center Building Fund”).*
- If you make your check payable to Self-Realization Fellowship (SRF)** and note “DC Center Building Fund” on the check, then we will send this money directly to SRF and it will be put into our Building Fund. This will be a tax deductible contribution and you will receive a receipt for tax purposes.
- To make an online tax deductible donation to the Building Fund, click on the “Donate to DC Center Building Fund” button below. This will take you to a secure page on Self-Realization Fellowship’s website. There you will be able to make a tax deductible donation using a credit card. Self-Realization Fellowship will then issue you a receipt for tax purposes.
- You may also pledge donations by using our pledge form which can then be mailed in or taken to our Center and placed in one of the donation boxes. Click HERE for the pledge form.
Donate to DC Center Building Fund
All other donations payable to the “Washington DC Center” will be used for our general operating expenses and these donations are not tax deductible.
*For options 1 and 2, please give or mail your donations to the DC Center at their current address listed below.
Washington DC Center of Self-Realization Fellowship
4911 Niagara Rd.
College Park, MD 20740
**Self-Realization Fellowship is a nonprofit religious organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as tax-exempt under Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, and the California Franchise Tax Board as a public charity. Accordingly, contributions to Self-Realization Fellowship are deductible to the maximum extent permitted by law for income tax purposes. Donations can be made through outright gifts in the form of cash, check, credit card, appreciated securities, real or personal property, and other types of assets, and deferred gifts in the form of charitable trusts. Bequests eligible for a charitable estate tax deduction can be made by naming the organization as a beneficiary in, among other things, a will, a trust, an insurance policy, or retirement funds.
Learn About Our Building Renovation